All Platforms die…How to avoid going with it!

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Don’t get too comfortable!

It may seem like these large platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and other popular networks; will last forever, but this couldn’t be more wrong. Today we will discuss the one sure-fire way to stay relevant in the case of your favorite network goes downhill.

1. Create a website. This can be a simple biography type website with information directing to all of your platforms, or an advanced blog and membership system to keep your audience captive and engaging through your personal network.

2. Post constantly on all platforms. Have a recurring theme or a consistent posting cycle on every platform that is engaging and keeps your audience interest.
Engage with your audience on all platforms. Take 1-2 hours per day to reply to all DMs and comments. A simple reply to a fan’s comment can create a lifelong fan that always remembers that time, “_____ Replied to my comment!”

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3. Create an Email or SMS list. Direct your followers on all platforms to join your Email or SMS list to stay in the loop with the latest updates and news.
These are just a few of the top ways any entrepreneur at any level with their business or career can start TODAY build their dedicated online presence.

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To conclude, we will discuss the simple reason, “WHY?” any platform or network; despite the number of users, has the potential to die out.

1. Times Change and habits do too. We are constantly changing and adapting to new habits that make our current day to day lives more efficient and entertaining. If a network lacks to keep up with changing times; staying “Stuck in their ways”, they will inevitably die out of trend and the next platform will take its place. This can happen overnight, or over 10 years. Everything has its endpoint if it doesn’t adapt to change.

2. Algorithms change and don’t fit the demand or overall opinions of their users. This also plays into the changing times, but more focused on exactly how content is delivered. For ad companies and public figures; who are the true backbone of any network, if they don’t see enough value in-network and can’t properly build and profit from their audience, they will move to a platform that fits their needs. Along with it goes the users who were on that platform for the purpose of that public figure, will leave as well. Now you know, and you can take action!


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