Burn out is the worst…4 Tips on how you can AVOID it!

Burn out is the worst…4 Tips on how you can AVOID it!
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Low Energy & Focus???

It can be the worst. You’ve got this killer idea, and a killer plan to execute. You get to work and the hours begin to add up…

Burn-Out for anyone can be especially heavy. When you’re an entrepreneur, this could mean the life or death of your current venture. We will discuss a few tips to help you; the busy individual, avoid burning yourself out!

Remember to take all of these with a grain of salt, not all of them will work for you. Being that each one of our bodies reacts and acts differently to everything we do.

Just take what works and 10x it and take what doesn’t work and optimize it to fit your lifestyle. Below are 4 tips that have revolutionized the way I perform!

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1. Taking reasonable breaks
This one sounds pretty obvious but quite misunderstood. Multi-tasking while you ‘break’ isn’t much of a break. I’m guilty of it, I know we all have been before.

You will be working focused on your task at hand and you’ll think, okay time for a quick break. With technology these days you catch your self-working on something on your mobile. While this seems productive, studies have shown this is quite counterproductive over a span of time. IF you work from home, or around technology try to dedicate your ‘break’ period to be without technology.

2. Don’t overload the list of your daily tasks
You know when you get really inspired after watching some Gary V. and you find yourself feeling like you can launch 10 companies in a day? Don’t do it.
Overloading your task list always turns out bad.

You always want to include a manageable amount of work through your tasks. When you give yourself a reasonable amount to do, you are able to finish it all that day. This leaves you going to bed motivated and waking up ready to crush the next day.

3. Don’t fall into ‘Distraction Traps’
In most cases, this is your phone. You get a notification, you’ve just5 got to check it right? WRONG. We understand catching leads, processing emails, etc. needs attention.

Set a specific time to give these tasks attention. If you leave one task to do another you’re opening your mind up to hop ideas; allowing it to get caught up in the latest fake news on your favorite social media. Dedicate times to manage the tools that often cause distraction, while also disciplining yourself to focus and finish the task at hand.

4. Eat brain foods and stay hydrated
I know that Taco Bell sounds tempting, but take that extra 30 minutes to cook a balanced healthy meal. Meaning you need to count your macros and how much of it your intaking. If you intake too many carbs it’s gonna slow you down. If you eat too many fats be ready to take a nap. Also staying hydrated will also keep you alert. So shoot for that 1 gallon a day. What helps me is drinking an entire glass of water per meal, at least 12 ounces.

Now your snacks throughout the day are key as well. Keep things like fruits and nuts next to your work area. No chips or candy…

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